Revanant PT Blog

Back Pain: A Universal Human Experience

Written by Nevin Saju | Dec 12, 2023 8:59:52 PM

I would bet everything in my wallet that you or someone you know has had an experience with back pain. It would not be much of a stretch to say that back pain can be considered a fundamental part of the human experience.

Almost all adults in the US will have back pain at some point in their lives.

If back pain is so common, then why do we continue to have such a narrative that emphasizes rest, avoidance, inactivity and fear of movement? Fear leads people to:

  • Seek medical attention

  • Take medication

  • Engage in other behaviors to help reduce pain

It's normal to seek relief from pain, but who you seek pain relief from can have a big impact on how you view your pain. Too often we are told to stop *insert any activity you love doing* and to rest while the pain resolves. This is not good advice because we are giving power to the pain and driving a narrative that makes us feel helpless.

Resting and avoidance should be replaced with action and voluntary exposure.

Funny thing is, research shows that most low back pain will self-resolve within 6 weeks.

When I first started up Revenant Physical Therapy, my stress was through the roof. I was taking on a challenge that I have never attempted, I slept less than usual, I strayed away from regular exercise and activity, and my diet went from regimented to that of convenience. I developed low back pain with shooting pain going down my right side within a few weeks of this altered lifestyle.

Before sounding the alarm, I thought about all the things that were missing from my normal routine: 1) sleep, 2) nutrition, 3) exercise, and 4) planning. After I started doing these things again, my back pain gradually went away.

I am fortunate to know how to handle my back pain through my years of experience as a physical therapist. I found balance and restored my regular routine. Unfortunately, most people don’t know what to do or where to seek guidance when experiencing back pain.

If you or someone you know has low back pain, come in to see me and I can help you end your pain and get back to moving without worry or fear. I will:

  • Explain what is causing your pain

  • Explain what we can do to help

  • Inform you how long it will take to get full relief

  • Listen to your story

  • Assess your movement

  • Develop a plan to get you long-lasting results


Stay tuned,
