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Have you ever gone on a budget airline?  If you have, then you know what that experience can be like. Limited overhead space, cramped seating, payment for carry-on bags, employees worn thin etc. You can’t be mad at it because you are getting exactly what you paid for.  (Also, the AI images generated for some of these posts are wild - LOL)

I had to take a last minute flight to New York a few weeks ago. Let me start by saying that traveling around the holidays and the new year is not a good time to be at airports. I took a single backpack with me as the trip was only 2 days long. 

Upon arriving at the boarding counter, they told me my bag was too big and that I had to pay to check it in. Honestly, I wasn’t even mad. You have to expect these things when traveling on budget airlines. You also need to expect the unexpected when traveling at the last minute. 

Last minute travel is almost never fun. There is so much to account for in such little time. You almost always forget something and there is so much that is out of your control. This is a lot like managing a new injury. No one expects to get injured (unless they are planning to do some wild stuff). With injury comes new and unaccounted expenses. 

There is a big difference between budget airlines and managing an unexpected injury. With an injury, you get to choose where you get it treated. Most people don’t have many choices. They usually go where their referring provider sends them. 

If you are being sent to a traditional PT clinic, then you are unfortunately also in the same boat as flying in a budget airline. 

  • Cramped Seating -> Sharing your PT with 1-3 other patients at the same time.
  • Payment for carry-on bags -> Unpredictable and variable expenses if you haven’t met your deductible depending on the treatment you receive 
  • Limited Overhead Space -> non-specific and same exercises repeated every single visit. (This comparison was a stretch, but the point still counts LOL). 
  • Employees worn thin -> You almost never know exactly how long your rehab will be and the total cost up front, because there is no way to account for that when there is such a high patient volume to manage. 

I think you get the point by now. These are a few of many reasons why I left the traditional healthcare model over a year ago. I don’t want to be a budget airline, there are enough of those out there. 

I created the Revenant PT model to serve those who have failed traditional healthcare approaches. Our goal is to keep you from relying on medication, avoid surgeries, and providing relief while focusing on the root cause of your injuries and pain. 

To be able to do this, we provide 1 on 1 care. You work with your physical therapist 100% of the time you are there. You know exactly what the cost of treatment will be up front. We craft your exercises specific to you and your unique situation. We challenge you. We over-prepare you for tasks and activities that your life or activities demand of you. Some of our clients end up doing things they weren’t able to before their injury!

One of my favorite examples is a client who had a herniated disc. He went from exercising daily (high intensity, sprinting, heavy lifting, etc.) to complete inactivity for 4 months because of his pain and fear of making his injury worse. On his follow up after his first visit he walked in with a smile and was blown away by how much he was actually able to do in the gym over the past week. 

Sometimes re-assurance can go a long way for people. If you or someone you know is looking for relief, then we may be the right fit for you. Even if we are not what you are looking for, we will help guide you in the right direction. We pride ourselves on being brutally honest and serving in the best interest towards the health of those we interact with.

Nevin Saju
Post by Nevin Saju
August 26, 2024
